Phone number

(602) 499-2216


M-F 8am-5pm | Sat by apt.


Arizona and Montana

Medicare Health Plans

People seeking help ask why they should work with an agent instead of enrolling directly with the insurance company? A few of the many benefits of having an agency work with you are discussed below.
1. As an Arizona licensed insurance agent whose agency specializes in Medicare Insurance products, my colleagues and I receive many hours of specialized training each year to become certified to speak with you about your Medicare-related health insurance plan options
2. The monthly insurance premium you pay for your plan and the benefits you receive from that plan is exactly the same whether you use an independent agent or enroll directly with the insurance company. That’s right, there is NO COST TO YOU for our service.
Our goal is to help you maximize your benefits. We are available to our clients 7 days a week. you won’t have to call an insurance company and wait on hold to speak to someone that is unfamiliar with you or your policy. We are committed to answering your questions and solving your problems.
Enrolling directly with an insurance company means you are voluntarily
giving up your right to have an agent on the policy represent you and help you should problems arise in the future. With Arizona Senior Health Insurance Solutions, you will always have an advocate that will help you navigate your way through any situation.
We will stay in touch and keep you informed of any rate or benefit changes that may affect your policy in the future. Let us do the work for you. This is what we do. And remember, we are available for a face to face appointment whenever you need one and there is no charge to you for our service.
Each year at your renewal, we can compare your renewal rates and benefits with those of other insurance companies, and let you know if any other carrier offers a similar plan with a better price and richer benefits