Phone number

(602) 499-2216


M-F 8am-5pm | Sat by apt.


Arizona and Montana

About Us

Arizona Senior Health Insurance Solutions was created by licensed insurance broker George Resley. For the past ten years, George has dedicated his practice to listening to customers, providing the latest industry information, and carrying a wide array of products from a multitude of insurance companies.

George began his professional career as a teacher in inner-city Houston, Texas. In his role as a teacher and administrator, George taught and mentored hundreds of “at-risk” youth and aided them in their academic, personal, and civic development. He also trained and mentored many new teachers in effective teaching practices. Many of the students that George taught and mentored throughout the years went on to college and are now mentors, teachers, and leaders in their respective communities.
George Resley is the son of a distinguished officer who served in the United States Army for over twenty years. His childhood was spent traveling and living in remote locations. His high school years were spent in Tucson, Arizona. George’s  Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees were earned from two of Texas’ distinguished universities. George’s hobbies include being a musician of various musical genres, and a gourmet chef. George won the Blue Ribbon as a Champion Banjo Player in Tucson’s Bluegrass Festival and was a prep cook and associate chef in some of Tucson’s famous and eclectic restaurants.

Following his success as a teacher, George worked as a sales representative for a major pharmaceutical company and then began his career in the insurance industry. His focus and mission have been simple…

  • Learn all of the insurance products that are available in a particular market
  • Interview  and educate clients on available insurance solutions
  • Aid  in the decision-making process to help find the product that best suits a clients needs

George Resley and the great people at Arizona Senior Health Insurance Solutions want to help you find the right insurance products that will help you enjoy this stage of your life to its fullest!